Thursday, November 3, 2016

 Saturday's homecoming dance 
on Saturday 10/29/16 we had our homecoming dance at Linda Marquez high school .Our theme this year was dia de los  muertos .when we walk it looked beautiful  they even had a place were you could take pictures and it was full of different color .All of people came to the dance  people from all the three schools at Linda.From 7-10pm everything was going fine we were all having fun all we even crowned our queen and king . after we did that they started to put english music  at the dance and everybody was have a good time .but then they started to carry people they started to make circles but that wasn't the problem .it was when they were throwing water and decorations  . the teachers and adults that were said that if we didn't stop they were going to end the dance . people didn't listen and started to call them names .and at the end our dance ended early and we all went home .  
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The 7 habits of highly effective people 
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Habit #1 :Be Proactive 
"Habit 1 is the key to unlocking all the other habits and that's why it comes first it  says ,"i am the captain of my life .i can choose my attitude.i'm responsible for my own happiness or unhappiness .i am in the driver's seat of my destiny .not just a passenger." 

  • reflection: what this is saying is that we all can choose our path in life .no one else can tell you can make yourself have a happy life and an unhappy one choose between two paths and you choose the one you want to travel . no one can tell you you have to choose this path or that one because in the end you have the last word .its YOUR life .you got to make it your life not anybody's else because they got their own life . many people want to choose your paths in life but you shouldn't listen to them cause its your life .Image result for know where you will endImage result for know where you will end
Habit# 2:Begin with the end in mind
"control your own destiny or someone else will ."(Jack Welch)
"when you know where you intend to end up,you know where you are now."(covey) 
  • reflection :what this is asking is that we have to set a goal where we want to end up . we sometimes say i am going to do this .but we dont really know where we want to end up.if we dont set a goal of the end then we can end up somewhere else .you got to take your destiny in your hands and not let anyone take if from you . you know where you are and where you have to end so make it there .even if everyone doesn't support you ,you support yourself  you dont need no one but you to reach your goals or ends in life .
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Habit#3:Put First things First
"organize and execute around priorities ."

  • reflection:what this quote is say is that we should put our priorities first then what we want to do .there are many things we have to get down but we sometimes dont do the thing we have to do first like homework and chores.we dont do these things first and we go play video games or using our phones.And its not a good thing to do because you get use to it and later on when you have a job you will do the same would want to go out and not do work and later you will have to get a new job because they dont want people that dont do their work .so next time do the things that you have to do before the things you want to .
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Habit#4:Think win-win
"Think win-win or no deal"
  • reflection:what this quote is saying is that we should think like winners .we should believe we can .we should say i am going to win no matter what happens . its like your playing a game and you want the prize you have to change your mind set into thing you got to win ,when you do this it changes the way you think  which win help you win.when we start to think like winner we have a good attitude ,you stay  positive and trustworthy .which will help you with what you what to reach .\
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Habit#5:seek First to understand,then to be understood
"Diagnose before you prescribe."
  • reflection : what this quote is saying is that you have to listen .you have to listen before you talk .we all want people to understand us but sometimes we forget to understand others.listening is a powerful thing that can change many things.we have to listen first than we talk because we can hurt someone for not listening .sometimes you can loose something you love for not listening and always just talking .we all have things we fight for and what if i told you we dont have to if we listen .like in relationships we all get into fights but some are dumb but we get into the fights because we didn't know how to listen to one another ,so next time take the time to listen.
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Habit#6: synergize
"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts (1+1=3)"
  • reflection:what this quote is saying is that we have to work together .it means that its like the saying two heads are better than one .we have to work in groups because it is okay to work together with other .you can ask people  to help you in a project.we all choose can choose if we want help and become a group or stay as one and work harder .but sometimes you need a team and you have to work together ,that is the point of a team or a group .Take this quote" alone we are smart .together we are brilliant ." its stating we are better together .