Monday, May 1, 2017

10 seeds of Greatness 
The Seed of Self-Esteem (Appreciate the value of yourself)
“From self-love to self-worth"
reflection : what this is stating is that we should all have great self esteem because it will help us achieve greatness .self esteem is when you have confidence  in you and you can do anything if you have really high self esteem . people often lack self esteem and that holds them back . people cant do things like sing in front of people if they dont have good self esteem  cause they think that people will make fun of them . or do something simple like read out load for the class or present to the class a project .it hard of you dont have go self esteem because they feel like they cant that they will do things wrong and at people will laugh . i know because i had that same problem but know im working on my self esteem and getting better at having a good self esteem at times its hard but it will pay off that the end because it will give me greatness in life .
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The Seed of Creativity 
“Releasing your creative energy"
reflection :you must have creativity it will give you greatness .have creativity is changing ideas that are traditional and making them new to a better idea that will change the way we see things .people think that we should be traditional in everything but we are traditional all the time what will painters do . they make us see things in different ways. that we didnt or never have seen things in that way . creativity is changing our world right now because people are being creative and making new things like new i phones and new car and more . because someone was creative and made their ideas into something is that we have this things that are new and different .dont you want to do new thing make a better phone than i phones , make new things that will go far  will than be creative and show that world what you can do .
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The Seed of Responsibility
"Whatever we sow, we reap."
reflection : you must be responsible  in order to have greatness . you need to be responsible in doing your work in school and in work . you need to be someone a boss can trust and that person doesn't know if they can trust you if you dont show you can .we all act a bit irresponsible at times but not always . we do this because if you do this all the time people will get a bad idea of you .it is better to act and be responsible  because it is a good skill for you to have . and if some of your friends want you to do irresponsible things than they aren't your real friends .so be responsible and do what you have to do and you will have greatness in the future .
Image result for ResponsibilityImage result for ResponsibilityThe Seed of Wisdom
"A large vocabulary--which implies broad, general knowledge--characterizes the more successful persons, regardless of their occupations."
reflection :in order to have greatness  you need knowledge even if its just big words you know . so maybe its just knowing what something means . you dont have to know everything in the world . you just need to have wisdom . for example let say someone tried to give you a drug and it knew that if you did this drug just once you could get hooked on it  so you choose not to do it. you had to knowledge to know what was going to happen if you did do it . it can even be just to have commonsense  about things.its things you need to know it life . you dont need to learn all the word in  the dictionary . you just need to know what you mean and what you want to say .
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The Seed of Purpose 
The gold mine in your goals
reflection : have a purpose in mind is how you can achieve greatness .you need to make  a goal to reach what you want in life . everyone has a goal in life of what we dream of in life . for example i have a goal to have my own house when i grow up . in order to reach my purpose or goal if you will i have to go to college  ,get a good job and work in order to make that goal become real . you must always keep you purpose  in mind  because that is what you are working for  it is what should make you want to move forward to reach your goal. if you have this in mind you can have greatness when you reach you goal . never loss mind of what your purpose is because that will make you need more time to reach it and also you will need more ways to reach your goals .
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The Seed of Communication

                             “Reach out and touch someone" 
                                   The Seed of Faith 
                         “The power of positive believing
              The Seed of Adaptability
                     “Turning problems into opportunities”
reflection:problems dont have to be bad .sometimes they can an opportunity . you can see problems as things getting in the way but  it doesn't have to be .problems are like unwanted opportunities to do better to be better . never see a problem as a set back but a way to improve .we have to always see  the bright side to things that happen like  problems and situations that were unwanted . we  all have problems but all people who change them into opportunities are the ones who achieve greatness in life . never let anything as small as a problem hold you back  . nothing can hold you back if you see the bright side  and see the problems from a different view . we need to stop making problem are excuse to not be able to have greatness .
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The Seed of Perseverance
“The will to win is everything”
reflection: perseverance is things get hard or fail  and you fight though it in order to reach a goal or something you want you  need perseverance it order to be able to reach your goals . we most are half way to our goal and we feel like we cant anymore. most of us say i give up i cant and i will not anymore . but if you have perseverance and say i can do  this and i will do it . that way of thing will get you to your goal and you wouldn't fail. we aren't born with perseverance  you have to work hard to to have it in you not to give up .you  need to remember why are you doing it or the goal and be willing to reach it at all cost . we need to have perseverance in order to be great ,in order to reach what we want and in order to have greatness . you will always want to quit because its easy to but fighting it is how you will succeed . and if you fail dont give up keeping never stop until you reach you goal .
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     The Seed of Perspective
“Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.”
reflection: we all have a way of look at the world . we see the world differently from other . we dont always see the same things the same way . but that doesn't mean one of us is wrong . we should listen to how others see the world  because maybe you missed in seeing something that the others saw or the other way around .there are times when you see something as a negative and others see it as a positive . you can live a happy life if you change your perspective of things when things go bad . think of these things as lessons  or things you can learn from .lets say you think of a way to do a project and another peer says they got a different way to do the project so you would have to listen to each other's ideas to find the best or to put them together . so  next time try to see thing in a different perspective  better doing anything or saying any .and you will achieve greatness . 

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Final reflection:i think that all these seeds are and can be used to achieve greatness .  we all should try to us these in our daily life .i feel we would reach more of our goals if we do.The Seed of Perspective you need it and can us it to not give up on you goal easily and seeing the world in different ways .The Seed of Perseverance i can us it to always try again  again  when things go  wrong or when you give up.  The Seed of Adaptability i can us it to turn problems into opportunities.The Seed of Faith  i can use it to help me give me hope in my goal that i can reach it .The Seed of Communication i can use it to ask someone to help that it is okay to ask for help .The Seed of Purpose i can use it to find that true reason why i am doing this goal .The Seed of Wisdom i can use it to study and pass the act test .
The Seed of Responsibility i can use it by doing what i have to do and to be a ctr person .The Seed of Creativity  i can use it to express myself and to relax from the all the thing in the way of achieving my goal.The Seed of Self-Esteem i can use it to give me confidence  to reach my goals in life  and to be happy .